We have updated the site with lots of new Minecraft hacks for version 1.8 and 1.8.1. Most hacked clients has the same features as before like aura, aimbot, ESP, wallhack, auto tool, Xray, regen, fly, etc.
Top 4:
Graphic Mods
- ArmorESP
- AuraESP
- BigName
- ChestESP
- Label
- MobESP
- NoRender
- Overlay
- PlayerESP
- Projectiles
- Tracer
- Trail
- Wallhack
- Waypoint
- MCHub
- Zoom
Auto Mods
- Auto Accept
- Auto Armor
- Auto Command
- Auto Eat
- Auto Enchant
- Auto Farm
- Auto Fish
- Auto Raid
- Auto Register
- Auto Respawn
- Auto Switch
- Auto Toggle
- Auto Tool
- Auto Walk
Blocks Mods
- Auto Mine
- Auto Place
- Auto Sign
- Auto Torch
- Build
- BuildRandom
- Excavator
- Fast Mine
- Fast Place
- Nuker
- NukerLegit
- Throw
Combat Mods
- Aimbot
- Anti Fireball
- Anti Hurtcam
- Anti Knockback
- Auto Attack
- Auto Block
- Auto Disconnect
- Auto Heal
- Auto Stew
- BowAimbot
- Click Aimbot
- Crit
- FastBow
- Kill Aura
- Kill Aura Legit
- Knockback
- MultiAura
Movement Mods
- BunnyHop
- Climb
- Dolphin
- Flight
- Follow
- Glide
- HighJump
- Jesus
- JetPack
- NoResis
- NoSlowDown
- SafeWalk
- Speed
- Sprint
- Step
Player Mods
- Anti AFK
- Derp
- FastEat
- Jerk
- NoBlind
- NoFall
- NoSwing
- SafeAFK
- Sneak
World Mods
- Afk Detect
- Clean Inventory
- Day
- Freecam
- Fullbright
- Notify
- NoWeather
- RemoteView
- Search
- Timer
- WireFrame
- Xray
Other Mods
- MiniMap
- Radar
- RearView
- Text Radar
- ArrayList
- Screen options
- AccountChecker
- IP, Port Scanner
- ProcyChecker
- Spammer
- Stresser
- Lots of settings
- AutoSprint
- AutoWalk
- Blink
- Bunnyhop
- Dolphin
- FastLadder
- Flight
- Glide
- HighJump
- Jesus
- Jetpack
- NoFall
- NoWeb
- Phase
- Sneak
- Spider
- Step
- Timer
- AutoMine
- AutoSign
- AutoTool
- BuildRandom
- FastBreak
- FastPlace
- InstantBunker
- Kaboom
- Liquids
- Nuker
- NukerLegit
- AutoBuild
- ArenaBrawl
- AutoSwitch
- Derp
- FastEat
- Headless
- Miley Cyrus
- Panic
- Throw
- YesCheat+
- AntiSpam
- ForceOP
- /home
- MassTPA
- AntiKnockback
- AutoRespawn
- BowAimbot
- Criticals
- FastBow
- FightBot
- Follow
- Invisibility
- Killaura
- KillauraLegit
- MultiAura
- Protect
- Regen
- Target
- AntiBlind
- BaseFinder
- ChestESP
- Freecam
- Fullbright
- HealthTags
- ItemESP
- MobESP
- NameProtect
- NameTags
- NoHurtCam
- Overlay
- PlayerESP
- RemoteView
- Search
- Tracers
- TrueSight
- X-Ray
- AutoSwitch
- Waypoints
- Glide
- RageMode
- PacketSneak
- AutoMine
- Bunny Hop
- WorldEditESP
- AntiBlindness
- NoSwing
- Step
- FullBright
- AutoBlock
- AutoDisconnect
- Night Vision
- ProphuntESP
- Sprint
- Climb
- AutoTool
- MobESP
- Xray
- Flight
- Nuker
- AntiFall
- Regen
- Hyper
- Dolphin
- Derp
- AutoFish
- NoFall
- FastPlace
- ChestESP
- Trajectories
- AnitKnockback
- FastBreak
- Breadcrumbs
- Criticals
- Aimbot
- Timer
- Tracers
- NameTags
- Step NoCheat+
- KillAura
- PlayerESP
- AntiRain
- Godmode
- Astronaut
- Sneak
- NoCheat – Bypass cheat on NoCheat servers – a little buggy.
- Trajectories – Shows where things will land.
- ClickFriends – Middle click a thing to friend it. Click again to remove it.
- NiggerSpeak – Ta1ke& lieK D’is All da TiMe.
- Criticals – Force criticals, a little buggy on NoCheat servers.
- AutoTool – Choose the best suited tool for the block you click on.
- Climb – Crawl up walls like a spider.
- ChatSpam – Spams text. Turn it on for more information.
- Fullbright – Light up the world.
- Step – Step up on blocks, where you would normally have to jump.
- ESP – Draws black boxes around mobs. Turns red when damaged.
- Jesus – Walk on water.
- Tracers – Draws lines to players only.
- Phase – Glitches through walls with NC+, semi-broken due to 1.8.
- Fly – Flt around, not always working in multiplayer.
- Aura – Hits (possibly multiple) things in front of you (like aimbot)
- Floor – Builds a floor for you.
- Speedmine – Mine faster.
- AutoSoup – No description.
- AutoWeapon – Chooses your best weapon.
- NoFall – Take no fall damage.
- Regen – Regenerate health faster (uses food).
- AutoPotion – Automatically uses potions of healing when low on health.
- Sprint – Sprints for you.
- Speed – Move faster.
- Xray – Shows valuable blocks.
- NoVelocity – You don’t move when you get hit.
- Nuker – Breaks shit around you, works in creative.
- Blink – Stops packets from sending and sends them all at once. Kinda like a lagswitch.