Wurst pre-release 2 is now online. This version includes lots of bug fixes and updated features.
Wurst Client is one of the most popular hacked clients/hacks for Minecraft. It is frequently updated with new features and bug fixes.
Wurst 3.0 pre2 changelog
- Added tutorial to AntiAFK and Fullbright
- Fixed AntiBlind
- Fixed AntiSpam
- Fixed AutoArmor
- Fixed AutoRespawn
- Fixed CaveFinder
- Fixed ForceOP (AuthMe Cracker)
- Fixed GUI problem
- Fixed Item ESP
- Fixed MassTPA
- Fixed Player ESP
- Fixed Player Finder
- Fixed Mob ESP
- Fixed ProphuntESP
- Fixed Trajectories
- Fixed .annoy
- Fixed .invsee
- Fixed the “You are using a cracked alt on a premium server” message.
- Fixed Zoom
- Fixed /home
- Removed Flight Kick Bypass (Minecraft 1.9 patched it)
If your game crashes, try the following:
Delete the modules.json file in your Wurst folder (default location: %appdata%\.minecraft\wurst).
If this does not help, try to update to the latest version of Java 8.
How to use Wurst
Menu/GUI: Left CTRL
Download Links
Download and use at your own risk. We do not create, nor host any clients, programs or downloads in general.