Creator: MCHACKS
List of all the best hacked clients and Minecraft hacks! Packed with features and mods for griefing, PvP, building faster etc.
Update: We have made a new list for the best Minecraft hacks in 2016. Be sure to check it out.
1. Nodus Hacked Client
The all (and long) time favorite is still the Nodus hacked client. With great features and built in OptiFine it’s no wonder why this is still the number one choice.
- Fast Break
- Aimbot
- Sneak
- Freecam
- Fly
- Click Aimbot
- Cave Finder
- Step
- Auto Sign
- Spider
- Tracers
- Build
- Auto Tool
- Timer
- High Jump
- Nuker
- No Swing
- Chest Finder
- Fast Place
- Notifications
- Force Field
- Derp
- Water Walking
- Text Radar
- Full Bright
- Wallhack
- Auto Mine
- No Fall
- Weather
- Auto Egg
- Xray
- Auto Fish
- Day
- Sprint
- Auto Walk
- Waypoints
- No Render
2. Iridium Hacked Client
One of the newer client, but also a remake of and old favorite the Iridium comes in on a 2nd place. Packed with great features for combat, griefing and building.
- Hostile Mobs
- Players
- Passive animals
- Tamed
- Safety
- Sneak
- Auto Armor
- Auto Respawn
- Auto Fish
- Auto Spawn TP
- Horse Jump
- Any Armor
- Auto Soup
- KillAura
- Crits
- Godmode
- No Knockback
- Regen
- Auto Sword (aimbot)
- Fastbow
- Quake Aura
Movement hacks
- Sprint
- Step
- Water Walk
- No fall damage
- Fly / flight cheat
- No slowdown
- Glide
- Phase
- Freecam
- Auto Mine
- Fast Place
- Speedmine
- Nuker
- Fullbright
- Chams (wallhack)
- No Render
- Search
- Rearview Mirror
- Xray / X-ray (see through stuff)
- Chest ESP
- Player ESP
- Trajectories
- Breadcrumbs
- Hit Spheres
- Tracers
- TTF Chat
- Auto TP Accept
- Totes Suspish
- WorldEdit ESP
- Spam
- Ghetto
- NoCheat
- Tab GUI
- Click GUI
- Values
- Theme selector
Download Iridium Hacked Client
3. Huzuni
One of our own favorite clients – Huzuni – comes in on the 3rd place. Made for griefing and combat, the client is not packed with features, but the cheats it does have also just works!
- Criticals
- NameTags
- AutoSoup
- Xray
- Speedmine
- Retard mode
- Nuker
- Auto-updating
- Kill Aura
- Flight
- Dolphin
- History
- AntiKnockback
- Projectile Prediction
- AutoTool
- NoFall
- Tracer
- Freecam
- Chest ESP
- Sprint
- Bright
- Sneak
What do you think about the top 3, do you agree? If not, comment below which client is your favorite !