Creator: ShadowSpl0it
This might be one of the most feature rich, public hacked client for Minecraft, we have ever tried. The full list of hacks/mods/features can be found below, but I can guarantee you that you will not miss any. Wolfram works for most operative systems like Linus, Mac OS and Windows and is easy to install. Is has a easy to use click GUI (menu), which can be activated by pressing the left control button on your keyboard. From here you can customize all the mods. Wolfram has built-in OptiFine mod, so you can enjoy HD textures etc. We are not sure if it is the best public client as the author states, but it sure is one of the most feature rich as we mentioned before.
Update: Check out Wolfram for Minecraft 1.10.X.
Author says:
“What is Wolfram?
Wolfram is coded by ShadowSpl0it and is known as the best client for Minecraft. It provides you with all hacks needed to grief effectively and have fun annihilating your enemies. Wolfram comes with a clean and sexy GUI, lots of features and the most NC+ bypassed mods possible.What makes Wolfram better than other Minecraft clients?
– Most developers don’t care about the GUI, I do. Wolfram comes with a really sexy, fully customizable and genuine GUI.
– Many clients come with tons of mods, but many of them are not working or are not NC+ bypassed so you get banned immediately. Wolfram is not one of them.“
In-game screenshots
Player mods
- Auto Steal
- Auto Eat
- Enhance
- Fast Break
- Fast Eat
- Fast Place
- Free Cam
- Ghost
- InvWalk
- More Inventory
- No Blind
- No Break Delay
- Regen
- Zoot
Movement mods
- Air Move
- Air Walk
- Blink
- Bunny Hop
- Creative Fly
- Dolphin
- Fast Fall
- Fast Ladder
- Flight
- Flip
- Fly NCP
- Fly Vanilla
- Glide
- Glide Fly
- High Jump
- Jesus mode
- No Fall
- No Slow Down
- Parkour Jump
- Phase
- Safe Walk
- Silent Sneak
- Sneak
- Spider mode
- Speed
- Sprint
- Sprint Legit
- Step
- Step Legit
Combat mods
- Aim Assist
- Aimbot
- Auto Armor
- Auto Attack
- Auto Shoot
- Auto Soup
- Auto Sword
- Bow Aimbot
- Click Aimbot
- Click Aura
- Criticals
- Fast Bow
- Fight Bot
- Force Field
- Kill Aura
- Reach
- Velocity
World mods
- CivBreak
- Click Nuker
- Nuker
- Pathfinder
- Sign Crash
- Timer
Render mods
- Arrow Trajectories
- Anti Hurtcam
- Armor ESP
- Breadcumbs
- Cave Finder
- Camera NoClip
- Chest ESP
- Compass Tracer
- Farmhunt ESP
- Fullbright
- Item ESP
- Item Labels
- Mob ESP
- Nametags
- No Fireworks
- No Overlay
- Player ESP
- Potion Effects
- Projectiles
- Prophunt ESP
- Tracers
- True Sight
- Wallhack
- Wolfram Chat
- Wolfram HUD
- Xray
Fun mods
- Derp
- Headles
- Twerk
Other mods
- Anti AFK
- Anti Spam
- Fake Hackers
- Middle Click Friends
- Panic
Auto mods
- Auto Fish
- Auto Mine
- Auto Respawn
- Auto Swim
- Auto Tool
- Auto Walk
Misc mods/settings/options
- Radar
- Text radar
- Settings (aimbot range, velocity, flight speed etc.)
- Preferences (colors, font etc.)
- KillAura Settings
- Info
- Tab GUI
- Book hack (Force OP)
- Sign Hack (Server Crash)
How to use
Click GUI – Menu: Left Control [LCTRL]
Tab GUI Controls
IRC: @message
- .help
- .bind
- .clear
- .cbook
- .cs
- .damage
- .friends
- .enemies
- .hclip
- .help
- .mm
- .nameprotect
- .panic
- .pathfinder
- .say
- .scrape
- .vclip
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Wolfram 4.0.0 (2015-11-17)
* ADDED: Gui customization as a paid feature
* ADDED: Window presets
* ADDED: Wolfram Premium button in the Client Settings screen
* ADDED: Legit command
* ADDED: IRC mute/unmute command
* CHANGED: Redesigned the Gui
* CHANGED: Made IRC spam prevention more strict
* CHANGED: Made the Premium screen appear first
* CHANGED: Made all mods freely available
* CHANGED: Made color customization a paid feature
* CHANGED: Color is now changed by modifying the hue
* CHANGED: Watermark hiding is now a VIP feature
* REMOVED: Window buttons when Gui not opened
* FIXED: Wrong link on the Contact section
* FIXED: IRC was not working
* FIXED: IRC spam prevention was buggy
Wolfram 3.4.1 (2015-07-19)
* FIXED: Fullbright not working on some computers
* FIXED: TabGUI not showing opened tab
Wolfram 3.4.0 (2015-07-18)
* ADDED: Ingame tag [W] for users with a higher rank than [MEMBER]
* FIXED: Criticals giving damage
* FIXED: Criticals making block breaking slow
* FIXED: Chests not closing after GUI exit, causing inventory bugs
* CHANGED: Criticals may make you jump from time to time
* CHANGED: Added more animations into the ingame wolfram GUI
Wolfram 3.3.1 (2015-06-29)
* ADDED: FlyVanilla (VIP)
* CHANGED: Renamed FlyBypass to FlyNCP
* FIXED: Changing between alts was possible while in game
* FIXED: Debug log spamming at startup
Wolfram 3.3.0 (2015-06-28)
* ADDED: Wolfram VIP
* ADDED: FlyBypass (VIP)
* ADDED: Enhance
* CHANGED: .damage is now a VIP feature
* CHANGED: Made animations and hovers better looking
* CHANGED: Made list sliding fluent
* FIXED: IRC anti spam being buggy
* FIXED: Criticals acting also as AirWalk
* FIXED: Friends radius not working and adding yourself
Wolfram 3.2.1 (2015-06-27)
* ADDED: Changelog
* FIXED: Versionning bug
Wolfram 3.2.0 (2015-06-17)
* ADDED: IRC channels
* ADDED: StepLegit
* CHANGED: Chest GUI automatically closes after Steal
* CHANGED: Chest Steal now checks two times for items
* CHANGED: Criticals now bypass NCP
* FIXED: KillAura attacking dead bodies on Mineplex
* FIXED: Chest Steal causing the inventory to go crazy
* FIXED: FastEat completely disables eating
* FIXED: InvWalk causing problems when pressing Q to throw items
Wolfram 3.1.0 (2015-06-15)
* ADDED: FastLadder (bypassed)
* ADDED: SilentSneak (bypassed)
* CHANGED: Renamed ixAura to KillAura
* FIXED: Flight going really slow in water
* REMOVED: MultiAura
* REMOVED: KillAura (old)
* REMOVED: Options related only to removed mods
Wolfram 3.0.6 (2015-06-12)
* ADDED: ClickNuker
* CHANGED: Only Admins and mods will be able to use chat colors now
* CHANGED: IRC message style
* FIXED: Book interface crashes the game on exit
* FIXED: Watermark showing when debug info on
Wolfram 3.0.5 (2015-06-11)
* CHANGED: IRC server
* CHANGED: Only people with tags can use colors now
* CHANGED: Removed “Wolfram” before each user’s name on the IRC
Wolfram 3.0.4 (2015-06-10)
* ADDED: SignCrash
* FIXED: Book Gui crashing
* FIXED: using random while not having any alts in the Alt manager caused crash
Wolfram 3.0.3 (2015-06-08)
* FIXED: version bug
* FIXED: IRC name and msg bug
Wolfram 3.0.2 (2015-06-08)
* ADDED: IRC list command
* ADDED: IRC colors codes (&*)
* CHANGED: CommandBook is removed, instead BookHack buttons are added to the Book GUI
* CHANGED: IRC appearance
* FIXED: Pathfinder command (.path [username])
* FIXED: IRC AntiSpam being too strict
* FIXED: IRC private messages sending recipient name also
* FIXED: IRC nick resetting after leaving & rejoining if Alt account used
* REMOVED: Option to disable Analytics
* REMOVED: .cbook command (Book GUI buttons are added instead)
Wolfram 3.0.1 (2015-06-07)
* ADDED: IRC leave command
* ADDED: IRC connect command
* ADDED: IRC help command
* ADDED: IRC spam prevention
* FIXED: IRC resetting color on new line
* REMOVED: IRC user login/logout spam
* REMOVED: Paralyze
Wolfram 3.0.0 (2015-06-06)
* ADDED: Regen
* ADDED: New Main menu
* ADDED: Wolfram HUD
* ADDED: Wolfram Chat
* ADDED: Random swings in Auras
* ADDED: Miss/Hit Ratio to ixAura
* ADDED: PathFinder
* ADDED: Option to disable watermark
* ADDED: Messages on module enable/disable
* ADDED: Spider
* ADDED: Twerk
* ADDED: Headless
* ADDED: Derp
* ADDED: CivBreak
* ADDED: CameraNoClip
* ADDED: AutoChestSteal
* ADDED: Breadcrumbs depth option
* ADDED: Damage command
* ADDED: Fakehackers
* ADDED: NameProtect
* ADDED: GlideFly roof
* ADDED: AntiSpam
* ADDED: AutoDisconnect
* ADDED: MassMessage (.mm)
* ADDED: ChatSpam (.cs)
* ADDED: Analytics
* CHANGED: Nametags now detect ArmorStands
* CHANGED: Auras can now randomize the delay between attacks
* CHANGED: Projectiles show full power if FastBow active
* CHANGED: AutoShoot works with FastBow enabled
* CHANGED: Block overlay
* CHANGED: Renamed InventoryMove to InvWalk
* CHANGED: Improved Xray search system
* CHANGED: Redesigned GUI
* CHANGED: GlideFly speed
* CHANGED: Renamed FlyBypass to GlideFly
* FIXED: Chest Stealer not bypassing
* FIXED: Grey screen while in spectator mode
* REMOVED: Knockback from ixAura
* REMOVED: MiddleClickEnemies
Wolfram 2.5.1 (2015-04-18)
* ADDED: InventoryWalk
* CHANGED: Controls enabled while GUI open
* FIXED: MoreInventory not working in Multiplayer
* FIXED: Console is being spammed
* REMOVED: Damage command
Wolfram 2.5.0 (2015-04-16)
* ADDED: AutoShoot
* ADDED: FarmhuntESP
* ADDED: MoreInventory
* ADDED: More Killaura options
* ADDED: Nametags resizing option
* ADDED: Phase, allows walking through doors and other obstacles
* ADDED: Credits section
* CHANGED: Projectiles now work for other types of items
* CHANGED: Projectiles now change based on bow power
* CHANGED: Arrow Trajectories now show where other players are aiming
* CHANGED: ProphuntESP now detects anchored blocks (in Mineplex’s Block Hunt)
* CHANGED: Array List can be made shorter now
* CHANGED: Projectiles now work with water
* FIXED: Pressing a mouse button causes lags
Wolfram 2.3.1 (2015-04-11)
* ADDED: CommandBook
* missing changelog
Wolfram 2.3.0 (2015-04-08)
* CHANGED: started noting release dates
* REMOVED: Herobrine
* missing changelog
Wolfram 2.2.3
* ADDED: Info window
* ADDED: Friends radius command
* ADDED: Scrape command
* ADDED: A line in crash logs displaing the Wolfram’s current version
* CHANGED: Fullbright now ‘fades in’ on enable
* CHANGED: Health Nametags now change color based on health
* CHANGED: Text Radar now shows distance
* FIXED: ixAura rotation limit bug
* FIXED: Auto-Remove removing working accounts
* FIXED: Font bugs
* FIXED: Windows not getting to front after enabling them in the Window Hub
* FIXED: Windows being rendered over buttons in the Esc menu
* FIXED: Sprint making the player sprint when it shouldn’t
* FIXED: Blink making the player unable to respawn
* FIXED: Windows not staying pinned after restart
Wolfram 2.2.2
* ADDED: VClip command
* ADDED: Panic command
* ADDED: Clear command
* ADDED: FastEat
* ADDED: AutoEat
* ADDED: ‘Steal’ button to the chest GUI
* ADDED: ‘Store’ button to the chest GUI
* ADDED: Alt Accounts count in the Alt Manager
* ADDED: ‘Alt Accounts’ button to the Multiplayer screen
* CHANGED: AutoArmor now has a delay between adding each armor piece
* FIXED: Clicking the ‘Resource Packs’ button crashes the game
* FIXED: Import button not working
* FIXED: Blink not resetting packet count after disable
Wolfram 2.2.1
* ADDED: ‘Reconnect’ button to the disconnect screen
* ADDED: ‘Reconnect with Random Alt’ button to the disconnect screen
* CHANGED: Blink now shows held packets instead of seconds
* FIXED: impossible to bind more commands separately to one key
* FIXED: ixAura malfunction
* REMOVED: ixAura Triggerbot option
Wolfram 2.2.0
* ADDED: Random button in the Alt Account Manager
* ADDED: Auto-Remove button in the Alt Account Manager
* ADDED: ixAura
* ADDED: FlyBypass
* ADDED: AimAssist
* ADDED: AirWalk
* ADDED: CreativeFly
* ADDED: FastEat
* ADDED: Dolphin
* ADDED: Velocity
* CHANGED: merged RegenManager, PotionSaver, Zoot into Zoot
* CHANGED: KillAura is now silent
* CHANGED: Blink and Freecam now use a tracer to indicate the previous position
* CHANGED: Jesus now pushes the player out of water
* CHANGED: Sprint now works backwards
* CHANGED: hitting won’t stop sprinting anymore (client-side)
* CHANGED: MobESP divides mobs into more groups
* CHANGED: ChestESP now detect Ender Chests and Trapped Chests
* CHANGED: Nametags now resize based on distance from cursor
* CHANGED: changelogs now contain more information
* REMOVED: AntiKnockback
Wolfram 2.1.2
* FIXED: minor bugs
Wolfram 2.1.1
* CHANGED: GUI modifications
Wolfram 2.1.0
* CHANGED: Draggable Gui
* CHANGED: InstantRegen is now RegenManager
* FIXED: PotionSaver prevents from attacking when not moving
Wolfram 2.0.3
* ADDED: Zoot
* ADDED: PotionSaver
* ADDED: InstantRegen
* ADDED: Flight Speed option
* REMOVED: AntiFire
Wolfram 2.0.2
* ADDED: more Contact buttons
* FIXED: updates fetching
Wolfram 2.0.1
* ADDED: update checking
* FIXED: Jesus
Wolfram 2.0
* ADDED: new mods
* ADDED: more settings
* CHANGED: Overall appearance
* FIXED: minor bugs
Wolfram 1.1.1b
* FIXED: Blink not bypassing NCP
* FIXED: minor bugs
Wolfram 1.1.1
* ADDED: more options
* ADDED: Enemies
* ADDED: Blink
* ADDED: Regen
* CHANGED: settings system
* FIXED: minor bugs
Wolfram 1.1
* ADDED: SafeWalk
* ADDED: ParkourJump
* ADDED: .say command
* ADDED: Fightbot
* CHANGED: XRay block list appearance
Wolfram 1.0.2b
* FIXED: wrong Donate link
Wolfram 1.0.2
* CHANGED: GUI modifications
* FIXED: minor bugs
* FIXED: performance losses
Wolfram 1.0.1
* RELEASED: Wolfram
How to install
Windows Installation
- Download and extract the zip file.
- Close Minecraft (if open).
- Navigate to:
%appdata%\.minecraft\versions - Move the extracted Wolfram folder to:
\versions - Open the Minecraft launcher.
- Click on “New Profile”.
- Settings:
- Profile Name: Wolfram
- Use version: release Wolfram
- Save Profile.
- Choose the newly created profile “Wolfram″ and click “Play”.
Mac installation
- Download and extract the zip file.
- Close Minecraft (if open).
- Navigate to:
~Library/ApplicationSupport/minecraft/versions - Move the extracted Wolfram folder to:
/versions - Open the Minecraft launcher.
- Click on “New Profile”.
- Settings:
- Profile Name: Wolfram
- Use version: release Wolfram
- Save Profile.
- Chose the newly created profile “Wolfram″ and click “Play”.
Linux Installation
- Download and extract the zip file.
- Close Minecraft (if open).
- Navigate to:
\Home\.minecraft\versions - Move the extracted Wolfram folder to:
\versions - Open the Minecraft launcher.
- Click on “New Profile”.
- Settings:
- Profile Name: Wolfram
- Use version: release Wolfram
- Save Profile.
- Chose the newly created profile “Wolfram” and click “Play”.
Antivirus: Scan results
Download Links
- Wolfram 7.1 for Minecraft 1.10.2
- Wolfram FINAL for Minecraft 1.8.X [mega - mirror 2]
- Wolfram FINAL for Minecraft 1.8.X [mega - mirror 1]
- Wolfram 4.0 w/OptiFine for Minecraft 1.8.x
- Wolfram 4.0 w/OptiFine for Minecraft 1.8.x [MEGA mirror]
- Wolfram 3.4.1 for Minecraft 1.8.x
- Wolfram 3.4.1 for Minecraft 1.8.x [MEGA mirror]
- Wolfram - All versions