This sweet client comes pre-installed with OptiFine which improves a lot of the graphic aspects of Minecraft and gives you much more control of the graphic settings. Besides OptiFine this client is PACKED with great features – lots of PvP features, nuker, Xray, ESP and much more !
This client works in both multiplayer and singleplayer. But beware, using Minecraft hacks on servers may get you banned.
Right Shift = GUI
- AutoBlock [NCP] – Automatically blocks when using Kill Aura.
- AutoDisconnect [NCP] – Auto quits at x hearts (default is 3 hearts).
- AutoFish [NCP] – Automatically pulls back line after fish bite and recasts.
- AutoJump [NCP] – Automatically jump.
- AutoSoup [NCP] – Automatically eats soup for you when your health gets low (KitPvP servers).
- AutoWalk [NCP] – Automatically walks for you.
- Breadcrumbs [NCP] – Draws a line behind you wherever you walk.
- Brightness [NCP] – Makes the world brighter.
- CaveFinder [NCP] – Shows where caves are.
- ChestESP [NCP] – Draws a box around chests.
- Fastbreak [NCP sorta] – Breaks blocks faster than usual and gets rid of the break delay.
- Fastplace [NCP] – Removes the right click delay.
- Flight – Allows you to fly.
- Freecam [NCP] – Allows you to walk outside of your body and go through walls to inspect other parts of a map.
- Glide [NCP] – Allows you to glide.
- Jesus – Allows you to walk on water.
- KillAura [NCP] – Automatically attacks entities.
- MobESP [NCP] – Draws a box around mobs. (Blue for passive, red for hostile)
- NameProtect [NCP] – Protects your name in the chat etc. by replacing it with your client name.
- Names [NCP] – Makes name tags larger, more distinct, and shows the player’s distance away as well as their current health.
- NCP stands for NoCheatPlus compatible. Not NoCheatPlus bypass. There’s a difference…
- NoFall – Prevents fall damage.
- NoKnockback [NCP] – Prevents knockback from anything. (Snowballs, players, fishing rods etc.)
- NoWeather [NCP] – Stops rain/storms on the client side.
- Nuker – Breaks blocks very very fast.
- PlayerESP [NCP] – Draws a box around players.
- Sneak [NCP] – Automatically sneaks for you.
- Sprint [NCP] – Automatically sprints for you.
- Tracers [NCP] – Draws a line to all loaded players.
- Track [NCP] – Draws a line or “breadcrumb” behind the selected player. (Set the player in the console or with chat commands)
- Waypoints [NCP] – Draws a box around the position and draws a tracer to the box. (Add them with the console or with chat commands)
- Xray [NCP] – Allows you to see through blocks to find ores.
Screenshots of Resilience
Client made by: Krisp
How to install Resilience for Minecraft:
- Download and extract the zip file.
- Close Minecraft (if open).
- Navigate to the “%appdata%/.minecraft/versions” folder.
- Move the “Client [version]” folder to your versions folder. The client folder should contain a jar and a json file.
- Start the Minecraft launcher.
- Click “New Profile”, set the “Use verison:” to “release Client [version]“.
- Click “Save Profile”.
- Choose the newly created profile and start playing!
- Run the installer.
Download Links
Download and use at your own risk. We do not create, nor host any clients, programs or downloads in general.